
Copy of the voynich manuscript
Copy of the voynich manuscript

The Yale University Press and the Beinecke Library have published a photo facsimile edition of the manuscript with explanatory essays providing historical context, including information about the manuscript’s provenance and prominent attempts to decipher it, and describing the results of scientific analyses performed on the manuscript’s materials over the past seven years. The public now has a new way to engage with this enigmatic manuscript. Today, the so-called Voynich Manuscript resides at Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, where it continues to capture people’s imaginations.

copy of the voynich manuscript

A final comparison of the Voynich Manuscript and the photo facsimile edition.

#Copy of the voynich manuscript code#

While the mysterious manuscript contributed nothing to Voynich’s bank account, its contents have tantalized and confounded scholars, professional code breakers, and amateur sleuths. Several of its pages are foldouts - an unusual feature for a medieval manuscript. Strange illustrations of unidentifiable plants, mystifying astrological charts, and scenes of nude women bathing in green pools, accompany the inscrutable script on nearly every page. Its 234 parchment pages are filled with an intricate and unreadable text, either a cipher or imaginary language. There was one manuscript - a small volume bound in plain vellum - for which Voynich never found a buyer. Voynich’s trove included several prized volumes that he sold for tidy sums to American institutions, such as the Morgan Library, the University of Chicago, Princeton University, and Yale University. The books Voynich acquired came from a collection of 380 manuscripts, mostly 15 th-century humanist and classical works, that the Jesuits had earmarked for sale to the Vatican Library.

copy of the voynich manuscript

Voynich, a rare-book dealer based in London, purchased a cache of medieval manuscripts from the Jesuit order in 1912.

Copy of the voynich manuscript